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Physiotherapy Exercise Videos

Check out our instructional exercise videos below. Each video will give you a step by step process to stretch and strengthen your muscles and joints.

Shoulder Mobilization

Shin Mobilization

Shoulder Capsular Stretch

Quad Mobilization

Plantar Soft Tissue Mobilization

Hip Capsular Stretch

Knee Mobilization

Knee Extension

Hip Mobilization With Band

Hip Flexor

Glute Mobilization


Calf Mobilization

Abductor Hallucis

Wrist Flexor Stretch

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Single Leg Row

Modified Side Plank

Quadratus Lumborum Stretch

Piriformis Rolling

Paloff Press

Overhead Scapular Stability Behind

Overhead Scapular Stability in Front

Modified Plank

Hip Flexor Massage

Cross Legged LSP Stretch

Adductor Stretch

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